Want a Diverse Workplace? Incorporate These Practices Into Recruitment and Hiring
When it comes to workplace diversity, the numbers tell the story. According to a report from Fundera, 57 percent of employees believe that their company needs to do more to increase diversity, while 41 percent of managers claim to be “too busy” to implement diversity and inclusion initiatives. With numbers like these, perhaps it’s not surprising that, according to the same report, African Americans are 50 percent less likely to get second interviews compared to white candidates, and fewer than 8 percent of Fortune 500 company CEOs are women.
Yet the same research also reveals that an impressive 85 percent of CEOs who do practice recruitment diversity are seeing increased profits, while companies that hire equal numbers of men and women are earning 41 percent more revenue. Despite this proof of profitability, however, many companies still aren’t getting the message; and it’s not only affecting their profits, it’s also hurting the community at large.
Businesses and recruitment diversity
It’s an unfortunate fact that cultural and gender bias — whether conscious or unconscious — is prevalent in all walks of life, including recruitment and hiring practices. That’s why it’s vitally important for employers to take active measures in combating this bias by implementing more inclusive procedures in hiring and recruitment.
A survey from the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) reveals that 87 percent of participating businesses say that they track workplace diversity at least once annually. But the question remains: Are they using the resultant data to create a more inclusive workplace? The same study shows that a staggering 58 percent of these businesses still don’t recruit from non-traditional colleges or culturally diverse geographic locations, and 32 percent of these companies won’t even encourage open conversations about recruitment diversity. Clearly, there’s a certain level of awareness about the importance of inclusive hiring, but this awareness is coupled with an even larger degree of inaction and indifference for many businesses.
How you can create a more inclusive workplace
If you’re a CEO, business owner, manager, or HR professional, here are five ways you can make your company’s recruitment and hiring practices more inclusive.
- Post recruitment ads in culturally diverse demographic areas
By posting your recruitment ads in areas where a more diverse population can see them, you’ll be reaching out specifically to groups that you’ll want to include in your workplace. Target areas for recruitment diversity can include:
- Black colleges and universities
- Women’s colleges and universities
- Local retailers and other businesses in diverse neighborhoods
- Cultural organizations (such as arts, entertainment, and educational centers) that celebrate diversity
- Create job postings with inclusive job descriptions
The language you use in your job postings can significantly impact the diversity of the candidates who apply. Your job postings should include language that clearly outlines your commitment to inclusive hiring practices. In addition, each job description should avoid gender-based terminology, including nouns and adjectives that are typically perceived as resonating more with one gender or the other. According to augmented writing software firm Textio, when Expedia posts jobs written entirely in gender-neutral language, those jobs are filled eight days more quickly.
- Set up at job fairs in culturally diverse locations
Local job fairs in more inclusive neighborhoods can be a valuable resource for qualified new hires who can diversify your workplace.
- Post relevant examples of diversity on your company website
Ask your staff members if they’ll allow you to take their photos while they’re on the job, and place these where they can be seen on your web pages. Be sure to include images that showcase employees of different races, genders and physical abilities performing in responsible positions.
- Standardize your job interviews
Research conducted by the Harvard Business School shows that a standardized interview, with the same questions presented in the same order for everyone, reduces bias and directs the focus where it belongs, on qualifications and job performance.
According to Dover Solutions founder and CEO Sanquinetta Maria Dover, an all-encompassing job placement plan that includes diversity is key to professional success. As a career training and staffing entrepreneur with more than 30 years of experience, Ms. Dover believes that workplace diversity is more than just a discussion — it’s a vital practice essential for every company. It’s also a critical part of her “positivity approach” that embraces the uniqueness of every job candidate.
“It’s so important to look for that ‘seed of positive’ because it is there waiting to be nurtured and watered, so it can grow and blossom into its full potential,” she says.
Toward that end, Dover Solutions is dedicated to training employees in advancing their skills to achieve better career opportunities and goals. “We place people in great jobs and look for great earning opportunities so that they are positioned well,” Dover says. “I’m happy that my company is a part of that.”
Dover Solutions can provide your company with qualified staff to meet your workforce needs. Each candidate is thoroughly screened and prepared to bring optimum efficiency and workplace performance to your business. Plus, Dover Solutions can train and up-skill your current workforce so you can achieve more productivity and success.
If you’re ready for business solutions that can take you to the next level, contact Dover Solutions to learn about our comprehensive roster of advisory and staffing services. Be sure to look for our next feature in this series, where we’ll discuss what business leaders can do to assess and promote more workplace diversity.