Digital work environments and hybrid workplaces are no longer the exceptions; they’re the norm. For today’s businesses, digital transformations have become a necessity, not an experimental concept.

According to AIMultiple statistics, companies worldwide will spend as much as $1.28 trillion on digital transformation in 2022. These numbers reflect the expense of technology and equipment and the costs of employee and management computer training, plus restructuring to a fully digital work environment with virtual and hybrid workspace capabilities.

Here are more recent stats to consider:

  • In the U.S., the average digital transformation budget (for mid to large companies) totals $14 million.
  • Approximately 70 percent of organizations either have a digital transformation strategy or are implementing one.
  • Fifty-five percent of startups (and thirty-eight percent of traditional businesses) have converted to a digital business strategy.
  • Thirty-nine percent of executives expect to see benefits from their digital transformations within three to five years.
  • Digital transformation is predicted to add another $100 trillion to the global economy by 2025.

With numbers like these, it’s clear that converting to a digital work environment is crucial for companies that want to succeed in the future global market.

What is a Digital Work Environment?

A digitally transformed workplace relies on three basic, necessary components:

  • Digital technology  
  • Remote work capabilities
  • Modernized operations, processes, and workflows

In a modern workplace, these digital implementations and updated capabilities greatly enhance business operations, workplace culture, and employee experience. Yet along with these implementations, there is also a responsibility to hire employees trained and skilled in working with these modernized and digitized components.

What Are Hybrid Workplaces?

A hybrid workplace is an organization with a business model designed to accommodate both on-site and remote employees. During the early days of the pandemic in 2020, many businesses were compelled to transition to hybrid work practices. Since then, a Microsoft report has revealed that 73 percent of employees want this transition, at some level, to be permanent.

Hybrid models have already been established in many industries, including financial and administrative sectors, as a potentially permanent rather than temporary measure. For example, in the financial industry, giants like Deutsche Bank and Citigroup allow many of their employees to work from home several days a week. Likewise, administrative and professional companies such as Amgen, Apple, Capita, Microsoft, Target, Infosys, Allen & Overy, and many other businesses and government offices also offer employees the option of working from home more permanently.

This type of hybrid model can even be adapted to industries where on-site practices play a major role. For example, remote workers can take care of administrative duties such as inventory control in light industrial companies. 

Here are five key practical skills and mindsets that companies — and their employees — need for success in creating a hybrid or fully digital work environment in today’s post-pandemic business environment.

  1. Technical Skills

Basic computer skills are no longer enough. Today’s employees need certification for essential applications like Microsoft Office and training in the software programs most often used in the business community. Additionally, staffers need the computer training skills to keep up with rapidly advancing digital technology as it continually upgrades. Toward this end, employers are increasingly discovering the value of partnering with employment specialists such as DoverSolutions, which offers employees enhanced training in these skills across various industries.

  1. Ability to Work Remotely

As the push for more remote working opportunities continues to grow, it’s vital for today’s post-pandemic companies to implement remote working initiatives in their daily operations. Likewise, staffers need the computer skills to work effectively in remote locations within a virtual workplace, whether it involves working from home or from another off-site location. As hybrid workplaces become more prevalent in today’s economy, employees need the skills to work effectively and efficiently from multiple locations without having to depend on office staff for troubleshooting or help with computer skills. This is another area where DoverSolutions can help with comprehensive training courses in skills every remote worker should have.

  1. Updated Equipment

Outdated technology isn’t just ineffectual; it’s also cost-prohibitive, counter-productive, and even poses security risks to your business. For a fully modernized digital work environment, it’s vital to have upgraded, next-generation computers and networks coupled with top-of-the-line apps and software programs. And for hybrid workers, laptops and other devices need to be updated or replaced for optimum performance.           

  1. Digital-Savvy Management Leaders

A digital workplace needs digital-savvy management to ensure effective operations and workflow. That’s why it’s important to hire leaders with computer training skills equal to or greater than those of their staff members. DoverSolutions offers advanced training courses for management as well as employees so that they can lead their teams more effectively. 

  1. IT Experts and Troubleshooters

Digital work environments need IT-trained staff that they can depend upon. Each employee should have a certain level of IT troubleshooting proficiency. In addition, it helps to have at least one or two employees in your company who can take on the role of troubleshooter in case of computer glitches or issues. Also, it’s crucial to have cybersecurity experts, either within the company or in outsourced positions, who can offer training in security and breach prevention and immediate help if breaches occur.

Staffing in a Post-Pandemic Business Community

When pandemic lockdowns began in 2020, the business community was hit hard. As businesses now reimagine their workplaces to meet post-pandemic changes, hiring staff with the right computer training and skills for today’s digital work environments and virtual workspaces is more important than ever.

COVID’s impact on the business community and continued global workplace digitization have inspired the founder and CEO of DoverSolutions, Sanquinetta Maria Dover, to implement enhanced training and staffing programs to accommodate today’s hybrid and digitized workplaces.

“In trying to position ourselves for the comeback, we were asking, how do we pivot to stay relevant? That’s why we’re working to provide more virtual training programs, so we can help people learn about these new and exciting careers offered in the hybrid virtual workplace.”

As a leading provider of career training and staffing for all kinds of businesses and government organizations, DoverSolutions is committed to training employees to meet the challenges of today’s hybrid and digital workplaces. In addition, Dover can train and upskill your existing staff so you can maximize your business goals.

Be sure to check out our next article, in which we discuss the benefits of obtaining certification for software applications like Microsoft Office, rather than just having a passing familiarity with these essential tools. And if you’re interested in taking your business to the next level with top-notch talent, contact DoverStaffing to find out how we can help you with all your staffing needs.

Achieving workplace diversity requires long-term commitment, an alignment of company values, and an investment in the right partners. The Ticket to Work program is led by the Social Security Administration (SSA), but it’s through the help of industry leaders like DoverStaffing that the principles are being instilled in today’s workforce.

What is the Ticket to Work Program?

The Ticket to Work program launched in 2002 and has since seen more than 1.5 million participants. However, while the SSA administers the program, they rely on partners such as DoverStaffing to offer the associated training, counseling, referrals, and supporting services.

The two types of providers that partner with the SSA for the Ticket to Work program include employment networks and vocational rehabilitation agencies. DoverStaffing falls into the employment category, helping the SSA to achieve the program’s goals of:

  • Helping people with disabilities return to the workforce.
  • Supporting financial independence amongst individuals.
  • Providing ongoing training to prepare participants for their desired roles. 
  • Offering career advice, workplace support, and job placements to participants. 

Who Should Join The Ticket to Work Program? 

Participation in the Ticket to Work program is not required just because an individual has a disability and is seeking employment. Rather, the Ticket to Work program is a free and voluntary opportunity for people with disabilities who wish to position themselves for a fulfilling career. 

The SSA has minimal eligibility requirements for the Ticket to Work program. To participate, an individual must be: 

  • Between the ages of 18 and 64.
  • Receiving Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI).

Many individuals who participate in the Ticket to Work program can even keep receiving their healthcare and disability benefits as they complete training and work on transitioning into a new position. 

The Benefits of The Ticket to Work Program

Designing an inclusive workplace means leveraging the unique skills of every individual, which is why the Ticket to Work program is so valuable. “Unlocking fulfilling work opportunities for people with disabilities is one of the greatest commitments of DoverStaffing and the employers we partner with,” says Sanquinetta Dover, the founder of Dover Solutions.

One of the primary benefits of the Ticket to Work program offered by DoverStaffing is that our services extend beyond the training program. With our other verticals, such as DoverStaffing, we’re able to train people with disabilities and help them network with potential employers, find job placements, and ultimately achieve the perfect workplace match.

Likewise, through DoverStaffing, we work with companies seeking to fill positions. We can look at our Ticket to Work participants and other trainees to discover the best-matched talent for a given role. Simultaneously, we can support diversity and inclusion (D&I) goals while also giving employers exclusive access to talent that may not yet be searching for positions on their own. 

As a result, both participants and employers benefit significantly from the Ticket to Work program because it:

  • Helps people with disabilities find their talents and passions so they can leverage their skills and enter into a fulfilling career while giving them the chance to work towards financial independence.
  • Supports workplace D&I initiatives by allowing employers to tap into a network of qualified individuals yearning for a position at their company.
  • Improves placement success for both employee and employer through ongoing workplace support and training. This can reduce training costs and help employers build their teams for the long term. 

Participants can stay in the Ticket to Work program for up to seven years, and DoverStaffing is committed to long-term support for employees and employers alike. Together, we can help your company grow its team with great talent while we work to create a more inclusive and diverse workforce. 

Leading The Way with New D&I Initiatives 

Ultimately, the Ticket to Work program from DoverStaffing represents a win-win scenario for people with disabilities hoping to achieve greater independence and for the employers who are fortunate enough to realize their value in the workforce. The question is, whom do you partner with?

At DoverStaffing, we are committed to closing the skills gap in the workforce while helping to create a diverse talent pool by providing training and resources to passionate individuals regardless of physical/mental ability, race, age, or work history.

Likewise, we are enthusiastic about supporting employers working diligently to ensure that they have an inclusive workplace and build a culture around the diverse individuals who help them grow. With these verticals combined, we strive to be the best resource for trainees, employers, and the industry at large as our nation progresses on the path to inclusivity. 

Are you interested in learning more about the Ticket to Work program and the role of DoverStaffing in helping employers achieve their diversity and inclusion goals? Reach out to our team today

As business leaders take active measures to incorporate Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DE&I) initiatives into daily processes, workplace inclusivity is on the horizon, but we’re not quite there yet. Aside from human bias, organizations must continuously evaluate elements like internal practices, hiring processes, and messaging so they can identify room for improvement and come up with a plan of action. 

Inclusivity is recognized as a significant driver of positive business outcomes, so these changes are worth pursuing. With a diverse workforce, companies stand to benefit from new perspectives and more engaged employees, all while gaining the opportunity to work with the best talent in the labor market. So, how does your organization stack up when it comes to inclusivity? Check out this overview of the top five characteristics of an inclusive workplace to see where your business shines and where there’s opportunity for improvement. 

Employees Feel They Belong

A sense of belonging drives employee loyalty and satisfaction, but it means more than having their photo on the team’s wall. “The only way for companies to create a sustaining sense of belonging is to really listen,” explains Sanquinetta Dover, founder of DoverSolutions.

When employees feel that their employer values their opinions and knowledge, their mindset shifts from I’m working for you to I’m working with you. One way to work toward this is through surveys on workplace satisfaction, but employees need to feel heard on a regular basis.

Including employees in meetings, having management take time to talk to them face-to-face, and ensuring that all employees can offer input for big projects and initiatives are just some ways you can show that you value employee opinions.

From there, you can cultivate a sense of belonging by acknowledging ideas, praising individuals, and consistently showing appreciation. Employers should also try to strengthen the workplace community through social events and collaborative processes.

Collaboration Is Encouraged and Facilitated 

Collaboration helps businesses accomplish more by breaking down silos and enabling different teams to work together effectively. In a truly collaborative workplace, there is little workday separation between one department and the next. All teams can communicate, share ideas, and help one another without feelings of frustration, delays, competition, or awkwardness. 

In a siloed workplace, there’s no cross-collaboration until it’s critical for a big project. Because the teams only communicate during times of necessity, the interaction feels forced, and individuals sometimes aren’t as creative or efficient as they’d like to be. Communication didn’t exist before that project, and it will probably disappear when the project is over. That is the opposite of inclusivity. 

Truly collaborative work environments don’t just enable easy communication — they encourage it. Facilitating collaboration means creating a culture where employees feel equal, valuable, and like everyone is accessible. Encouraging casual social interactions at work is one way to help melt away that awkwardness and standoffishness that can occur when teams don’t interact often.

There Are Programs to Support Growth

Inclusivity in the workplace isn’t just about whom you hire or how you treat them, but how you support people in different roles to achieve their goals and dreams. Leaders sometimes fear providing too much support for employees because they don’t want talent to grow so much that they leave the company. 

In truth, offering support for your employees will make them feel respected and valued in a way that increases company loyalty. Some employees will eventually leave if they run out of challenges at your workplace, but that’s inevitable whether you’re helping them grow or not. Ultimately, you will only benefit from employee growth.

Offering opportunities for learning and development means that you can nurture your talent to become even better. This helps individuals feel that their strengths and aspirations have been recognized and acknowledged by the team and improves their sense of individuality in the workplace. 

Each Person Is Valued as an Individual

Belonging and connection are often discussed as fundamental principles of a positive and inclusive work environment, but a sense of uniqueness is also crucial. “In an attempt to make everyone equal, companies often make the unintentional mistake of assimilation. When you fail to acknowledge and leverage each individual’s background, strengths, and goals, you devalue the entire team,” says Ms. Dover. 

Showing that you care about each employee’s knowledge, experiences, and dreams is not easy, but it’s something management should strive to accomplish with each workday. L&D resources and internal sourcing are significant steps in the right direction. You can also show how you understand an employee as a person through daily interactions and conversations. 

Inclusivity Is Part of the Business Strategy

One of the biggest mistakes companies make is failing to identify why inclusivity is so important. It’s the right thing to do, but figuring out how to strategically align it with business outcomes, both internally and externally, is crucial to success.

Inclusivity requires something different of each leader, manager, and employee. As such, each needs to understand what inclusivity means to your company and what their role is in achieving it. The question is, where do you begin? Many resources can guide your strategy and support your goals, including our full-service staffing firm DoverStaffing.   One of their many programs that is a great resource is the DoverStaffing Ticket to Work Program.  Ticket to Work Program assists those with disabilities of any kind, to receive the help they need to get back in the workforce. This can be any support they need whether it is for the betterment of their current employment or to become financially independent.  We will examine in more detail the Ticket to Work Program in a future article.

Ask DoverSolutions for help in making your workplace more inclusive and unlocking the benefits of an effective DE&I strategy. 


When it comes to workplace diversity, the numbers tell the story. According to a report from Fundera, 57 percent of employees believe that their company needs to do more to increase diversity, while 41 percent of managers claim to be “too busy” to implement diversity and inclusion initiatives. With numbers like these, perhaps it’s not surprising that, according to the same report, African Americans are 50 percent less likely to get second interviews compared to white candidates, and fewer than 8 percent of Fortune 500 company CEOs are women.

Yet the same research also reveals that an impressive 85 percent of CEOs who do practice recruitment diversity are seeing increased profits, while companies that hire equal numbers of men and women are earning 41 percent more revenue. Despite this proof of profitability, however, many companies still aren’t getting the message; and it’s not only affecting their profits, it’s also hurting the community at large.

Businesses and recruitment diversity 

It’s an unfortunate fact that cultural and gender bias — whether conscious or unconscious — is prevalent in all walks of life, including recruitment and hiring practices. That’s why it’s vitally important for employers to take active measures in combating this bias by implementing more inclusive procedures in hiring and recruitment.

A survey from the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) reveals that 87 percent of participating businesses say that they track workplace diversity at least once annually. But the question remains: Are they using the resultant data to create a more inclusive workplace? The same study shows that a staggering 58 percent of these businesses still don’t recruit from non-traditional colleges or culturally diverse geographic locations, and 32 percent of these companies won’t even encourage open conversations about recruitment diversity. Clearly, there’s a certain level of awareness about the importance of inclusive hiring, but this awareness is coupled with an even larger degree of inaction and indifference for many businesses.

How you can create a more inclusive workplace

If you’re a CEO, business owner, manager, or HR professional, here are five ways you can make your company’s recruitment and hiring practices more inclusive. 

  1. Post recruitment ads in culturally diverse demographic areas 

By posting your recruitment ads in areas where a more diverse population can see them, you’ll be reaching out specifically to groups that you’ll want to include in your workplace. Target areas for recruitment diversity can include: 

  • Black colleges and universities 
  • Women’s colleges and universities 
  • Local retailers and other businesses in diverse neighborhoods
  • Cultural organizations (such as arts, entertainment, and educational centers) that celebrate diversity 
  1. Create job postings with inclusive job descriptions

The language you use in your job postings can significantly impact the diversity of the candidates who apply. Your job postings should include language that clearly outlines your commitment to inclusive hiring practices. In addition, each job description should avoid gender-based terminology, including nouns and adjectives that are typically perceived as resonating more with one gender or the other. According to augmented writing software firm Textio, when Expedia posts jobs written entirely in gender-neutral language, those jobs are filled eight days more quickly.

  1. Set up at job fairs in culturally diverse locations  

Local job fairs in more inclusive neighborhoods can be a valuable resource for qualified new hires who can diversify your workplace.

  1. Post relevant examples of diversity on your company website

Ask your staff members if they’ll allow you to take their photos while they’re on the job, and place these where they can be seen on your web pages. Be sure to include images that showcase employees of different races, genders and physical abilities performing in responsible positions.  

  1. Standardize your job interviews

Research conducted by the Harvard Business School shows that a standardized interview, with the same questions presented in the same order for everyone, reduces bias and directs the focus where it belongs, on qualifications and job performance.

According to Dover Solutions founder and CEO Sanquinetta Maria Dover, an all-encompassing job placement plan that includes diversity is key to professional success. As a career training and staffing entrepreneur with more than 30 years of experience, Ms. Dover believes that workplace diversity is more than just a discussion — it’s a vital practice essential for every company. It’s also a critical part of her “positivity approach” that embraces the uniqueness of every job candidate. 

“It’s so important to look for that ‘seed of positive’ because it is there waiting to be nurtured and watered, so it can grow and blossom into its full potential,” she says. 

Toward that end, Dover Solutions is dedicated to training employees in advancing their skills to achieve better career opportunities and goals. “We place people in great jobs and look for great earning opportunities so that they are positioned well,” Dover says. “I’m happy that my company is a part of that.”

Dover Solutions can provide your company with qualified staff to meet your workforce needs. Each candidate is thoroughly screened and prepared to bring optimum efficiency and workplace performance to your business. Plus, Dover Solutions can train and up-skill your current workforce so you can achieve more productivity and success.

If you’re ready for business solutions that can take you to the next level, contact Dover Solutions to learn about our comprehensive roster of advisory and staffing services. Be sure to look for our next feature in this series, where we’ll discuss what business leaders can do to assess and promote more workplace diversity.

Diversity in the workplace isn’t just desirable – it’s essential for businesses that want to succeed. In our second article exploring the many facets of workplace diversity, we’ll examine some of the key benefits of employing people from a wide range of backgrounds. Filling your company with similar perspectives from similar roots only creates an echo chamber. Here, we’ll look at how different voices empower your business to deal with future challenges, plus some of the positive financial implications such as diversity incentives.

Here are the top five reasons why that process is vital for modern businesses that genuinely want to create an inclusive and profitable workplace.

  1. Increases Creativity and Problem Solving

Whether your company creates mobile apps or designs clothes, creativity can only go so far without a variety of different perspectives. An inclusive workplace that encourages hiring from all backgrounds means you’ll have a range of points of view for all situations. Sometimes employees from diverse backgrounds will look at an idea and say, “No,” or, “Maybe it will work better this way,” — and that’s great. People from different cultures respond to things in different ways. Women may notice sexist language that men may have missed. Trans individuals often have a unique perspective missing in workplaces that don’t often have trans employees. Autistic employees can help ensure products are suitable for neurodivergent people, while employees with a range of disabilities can fight ableism and ensure accessibility for all. Hiring more Black, Latin, or Asian employees doesn’t just hit diversity targets; it brings a wealth of experience from potentially vastly different backgrounds and upbringings.

Why is this important? Because without all these different voices telling a business how their product or service will be received, the audience for that product cannot grow at any speed. A varied panel can help tailor products to be more appealing to a much wider demographic and market.

  1. Creates a Great Place to Work

If businesses want their employees to enjoy coming to work (which is key for productivity), they must ensure their workplace is inviting and feels safe. That means addressing issues like sexual harassment and casual, everyday sexism, ensuring racism is dealt with, and creating a welcoming environment for all employees. Inclusive hiring practices promote workplaces that work for everyone. That might mean settings aside space for a prayer room for religious employees or a quiet room for autistic employees. The more preemptive, positive adjustments an employer makes, the more employees will share their stories of how great it is to work there.

  1. Fosters Better Business Decisions

According to research by Deloitte, businesses that actively support creating an inclusive workplace could increase their innovation by 83%. Similar research by Cloverpop backed this up with an apparent direct link between geographically diverse people and decision-making. In other words, hiring people from different neighborhoods across a city or state vastly improved businesses’ decision-making abilities. In fact, companies with employees from a diverse range of age, gender, and backgrounds made better decisions about business matters up to 87% of the time.

  1. Improves Brand Reputation

Having an inclusive workplace doesn’t just keep employees happy. It improves a business’s reputation among its consumers and stakeholders, too. It’s vital for companies to remember that they exist in a global and digital market where everyone has access to news, facts, and figures about any company they want to research. A new report from PRI, the Principles for Responsible Investment, suggests that diversity and inclusion are human rights issues and encourages investors to focus on diversity when choosing a company in which to invest. Embracing inclusion and diversity as core organizational values creates a positive ripple effect into all aspects of business life.

  1. Financial Diversity Incentives

Employers who keep their fingers on the pulse of hiring policies should already know that the American government offers some significant financial diversity incentives. While our other reasons are compelling from the point of view of business longevity and growth, immediate financial rewards could encourage many businesses to review their hiring processes immediately.

Businesses could be eligible for tax credits for hiring veterans who have served in the armed forces or hiring people with disabilities. Each of these types of tax credits comes with various exemptions. For example, a veteran must have been unemployed for over four weeks but less than six months at the time of hiring or in the year preceding that. Disabled access credit applies to businesses that actively provide access to work for people with disabilities. The work opportunity tax credit applies to companies that hire qualified employees from particular groups, such as those who have previously experienced long-term unemployment.

There’s a misconception in some businesses that hiring returning citizens or those with a criminal record is a risky idea. However, many people who have been through the justice system have numerous skills to offer employers, including creativity, problem-solving, or an in-depth knowledge of underserved communities. Likewise, other members of disadvantaged populations such as those with no formal qualifications could bring intuition, instinct, and determination to roles where on-the-job training is more vital than academic accolades. 

Now you know the top benefits of diversity in the workplace, but how do you go about ensuring your hiring policy is inclusive and up to the challenge? That’s what we’ll be exploring in our next article, to help your business make the right hiring choices every time. As Dover’s founder, Sanquinetta Dover, says, “Diversity and inclusion in any workplace isn’t a clear-cut destination. It’s an ongoing process that employers have to commit to.” If you want more information on making your own commitment to this process, reach out to Dover Solutions.

Workplace diversity has become the standard for excellence for companies nationwide. And as ethnic, racial, socio-economic, and gender demographics continue to shift in the U.S., it’s more important than ever for companies to implement diversity protocols in hiring staff and management. However, for many employers, the phrase “workplace diversity” can lead to confusion as businesses grapple with its implications and relevance in their industries. Businesses eager to thrive and embrace workplace diversity may be unclear about what it actually entails, how it relates to workplace inclusion, and how to create a company culture that embraces both. 

In this article, we’ll explore the all-important questions of what workplace diversity is, how it affects your business, and how you can create a genuinely diverse, inclusive workplace.

Defining Workplace Diversity

The U.S. government’s Non-Discrimination Statement and Policy makes this clear and powerful statement: “The United States Government does not discriminate in employment on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy and gender identity), national origin, political affiliation, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, genetic information, age, membership in an employee organization, retaliation, parental status, military service, or other non-merit factor.” This covers much ground, and leaves little room for misinterpretation in doing so. In this way, the statement captures the heart of diversity: A group of people who reflect the whole of the society where they live and work.

As is clear from this definition, diversity and inclusivity aren’t just about markers such as race, ethnicity, and gender. They also involve gender identity, sexual orientation, national origin, military status or service, socio-economic background, marital status, political affiliations, levels of ability/disability, and other factors that can lead to discrimination.

While real strides have been made to create greater workplace diversity in recent years, studies show that it’s still not enough. A recent report from accountant firm PricewaterhouseCoopers showed that, while 87 percent of organizations participating in their survey believed that inclusion and diversity were top priorities, only 10 percent of them had met company goals in this area.

Are Diversity and Inclusion the Same Thing?

The terms “diversity” and “inclusion” are sometimes, and erroneously, used interchangeably. While the terms go hand-in-hand, each has its own distinct and vital place in the workforce. And for diversity and inclusion to reach their greatest potential, employers must understand how these words are different and why companies should focus on both.

Essentially, the word “diversity” indicates the workforce makeup, while “inclusion” refers to the steps and actions being taken to ensure that diversity grows and prospers within the workplace. Inclusion is the result when diversity is successfully implemented and optimized. When diversity exists without inclusion, this can produce a workplace where people from various ethnicities, genders, backgrounds, and abilities are employed, but may not be granted promotions or equal opportunities to work to their full potential in the company. In a truly diverse working environment that encourages inclusion, everyone’s contribution is enabled, utilized, and valued equally. 

Creating an Inclusive Workplace

Here are several hiring strategies that can help you create a genuinely inclusive workplace:

  1. Use software tools that test job candidate skills anonymously.

A number of software tools, including Vervoe and Toggle Hire, allow you to appraise a candidate’s skills and eligibility without identifying their name, age, race, or ethnicity. Other tools like Predictive Index help reveal diversity gaps within your company and fill these gaps with qualified individuals.

  1. Create job descriptions with inclusive language.

Your job descriptions should make it crystal clear that everyone will be equally evaluated and, if hired, will be given equal opportunities within the role.

  1. Include minority groups in your marketing and advertising.

Target your hiring ads so they’ll reach people in minority groups. In addition, you can seek out culturally diverse candidates through sites like LinkedIn.

  1. Get advice from minority organizations.

Partner with minority organizations in your community and regularly consult with them on how to make your workplace not only more diverse but more inclusive as well.


A Diverse Workplace Makes for a Successful Business

The advantages of greater workplace diversity and inclusion are already well-documented. A recent report from tech talent provider Built In indicates that 48 percent of the Generation Z population identifies as a racial or ethnic minority. For companies to stay relevant and competitive, it’s essential to fulfill workplace diversity standards to attract and retain vital new talent. The report also highlights that employers who implement diversity protocols in staff and management typically see a 2.3 greater cash flow per employee. Likewise, a study from the Harvard Business Review shows that these businesses generally see a 19 percent increase in revenues.

“Diversity is a wide umbrella, “says Dover Solutions founder Sanquinetta Maria Dover, “and the more we recognize the breadth and scope of what a truly diverse workplace is, the greater the advantage to our businesses and our communities.” As a proponent of diversity and inclusion, Ms. Dover leads her organization in helping employers embrace inclusive hiring practices, and employees advance their skills to connect with greater opportunities.

Contact DoverSolutions to learn more about our innovative human capital management consultation services, staffing services, and training opportunities. And be sure to read our next article in this series, where we’ll talk about the many ways employers can benefit by hiring and retaining a diverse workforce.

Welcome to this fourth article in our useful Employer Series: Exploring People Management in the Digital Era. Cybersecurity is one of the greatest concerns for businesses. In our last article, we looked at ways employers can make the workplace more secure.


 One of those ways is by ensuring all employees follow a unified cybersecurity policy. In this article, we’re going to look more carefully at actions that will help you support your teams to be more secure, mitigate digital vulnerability, and avoid cyberattack.

Your employees are your partners in cybersecurity. Their actions have a huge impact on the security of your organization, from how they react to a single phishing email to how often they change their passwords. These five tips will help you implement cybersecurity workforce solutions that support your efforts to keep your business secure and your employees educated and empowered.

  1. Educate Employees on Phishing

Cybercriminals use spoof emails and email addresses to gather information or to send malware onto a company network. Training employees on how to recognize phishing emails is a key step in preventing problems such as ransomware or data loss. Your employees should know never to click on a link from an email, never to open an attachment they’re unsure of, to always scan attachments, and to always check the actual email address the email has come from. Other red flags to look out for are obvious spelling errors, emails not in a company-accepted format, or a “company-wide” email only sent to one or two people.

  1. Treat all Employees Equally

When it comes to cybersecurity, everyone needs to be in the loop. A single worker who ignores the policies in place could pose a massive risk to the organization. Yet according to the CSO Global Intelligence report, only 49% of companies insist that their remote workers adhere to company cybersecurity policies. That’s potentially 41% of all remote employees who could create easy ways for malicious actors to access the company network.

Cybersecurity workforce solutions are only as effective as their weakest link. Check that you have an accurate list of all employees and a record of whether or not they’ve received a copy of your latest company cybersecurity policy. It’s also critical to ensure they understand the policy and to address any gaps in understanding immediately.

  1. Invest in Effective Employee Education

As we touched on in the last article, your employees are your greatest asset, which is why you should invest in them and help them reach their potential. On-the-job training is effective because it ensures employee attendance as opposed to training that they do on their own time, and it also boosts the morale of employees. It may even increase their loyalty to the company.

Dover’s founder, Sanquinetta Dover, says that “…employers who invest time and resources in their workforce will see returns in both the short-term and the long-term. Employee education isn’t just a tool for company success – it improves self-confidence and innovation within your teams.”

When you see gaps in cybersecurity awareness, don’t blame the individuals. Instead, try to assess how far the issue spreads within your company and work with an effective partner to create the right educational programs to bring your employees back up to speed and empower them to make the right choices to avoid cyberattacks.

  1. Engage Directors and Managers With Cybersecurity Education

In addition to making sure all of your employees are included in your cybersecurity efforts, it’s also critical to involve your directors or other stakeholders in the development and implementation of cybersecurity policies. Ensuring you have support from the highest levels within your company means you should receive the funding and investment you require to get the education your teams need. Perhaps you could arrange a monthly or quarterly cybersecurity catch-up to discuss potential threats or review the impact of your current educational program.

If you are in the director’s seat yourself, work it the other way and ensure you have all your managers on board with rolling out the right education. Give examples of businesses that failed to update their cybersecurity policies, such as the Colonial Pipeline attack of May 2021, or the events at the water treatment plant in Florida. The Florida attack particularly highlights the impact a single employee can have, as it was just one vigilant worker who prevented a crisis – thanks to them having up-to-date cybersecurity awareness.

  1. Training on Creating Effective Passwords

If you don’t have a password manager, you need to train your employees to understand the importance of effective passwords. The aforementioned Colonial Pipeline attack may have occurred due to a lapse in password standards, showing how critical it is to maintain security at every level. All employees should know not to use the same passwords for different systems or devices. They should also be aware of your company rules regarding passwords. If you don’t have any, it’s a great idea to write policies that encourage consistency and awareness.

Dover Training Institute knows that there are many challenges when it comes to training and educating teams on cybersecurity, particularly in industries where the threat is relatively new. That’s why we’re working on a new program covering cybersecurity workforce solutions that will provide the right resources for businesses looking to eliminate their digital vulnerabilities. Contact Dover Training Institute for further information.

Welcome to the third article in our Employer Series: People Management in the Digital Era. As we’ve already explored, identifying the cybersecurity risks to your company is a key step in protecting your business from cyberattacks. In addition to understanding the threats and your organization’s potential digital vulnerability, there are ways you can work more effectively to make your organization more secure. Employers need to engage their whole workforce and IT specialists to create a digitally secure workplace.

The FBI states that the annual cost of cybercrime has climbed above $3.5 billion, with attacks including ransomware that effectively shut companies down until they can either pay the bad actors or use cybersecurity experts to eliminate the threat. Microsoft reported a 35% increase in cyberattacks in the first half of 2020, and that number appears to be increasing exponentially. To avoid becoming part of these shocking statistics, here are five ways to boost cybersecurity in the workplace and mitigate the risks to your business.

1. Set Rules around Company versus Personal Devices

Ideally, your organization should only use devices set up by your IT specialists or managed service providers. They should all have specific security services, such as company-approved firewalls and anti-malware software. However, in a world where around 25% of people work remotely, that’s simply not possible. Add into that all your team members who are out on the road or who use their smartphones for work purposes, and that’s a lot of potential digital vulnerabilities.

Creating rules and restrictions around what devices you can use for company purposes can mitigate those risks. Consider allowing only company laptops and desktops to be connected to the company’s physical network. Remote laptops could use a virtual private network (VPN) for additional security. Additional devices such as flash drives should be avoided to minimize the risk of transferring dangerous data from one device onto the company network.

2. Implement Company Generated Passwords

Allowing your users to generate their own passwords for company systems is a major risk. Over half of Americans use the same password for multiple apps or systems. This means that a cybercriminal only has to hack one password to gain access to multiple levels of a company. Using a password manager is a simple way to avoid this. This piece of software integrates with your company systems to create complex passwords that are always unique. Consider implementing a rule that all passwords must be changed every few weeks to keep even determined cybercriminals on their toes.

3. Set up Two Factor Authentication

For any particularly vulnerable systems or ones that carry sensitive data, consider setting up two-factor authentication, also known as 2FA. This means that as well as entering a password, the user will need to follow a prompt either via a digital app, a message, or an email. Normally the system sends a code to the relevant 2FA device, and the user then has to enter that code into the company system before they can progress further. As cybercriminals rarely have access to both the system and the user’s personal email or phone, this is a much more effective way of ensuring a secure system. Multi-factor authentication or MFA is an even more complex version of this, and could be utilized for extremely sensitive systems or storage.

4. Test Your Security

Sometimes the only way to understand the digital vulnerability of your company is by testing it. You can do this by sending fake phishing emails to members of your team and seeing how many responses or click-throughs they receive. This is not about picking on individuals, of course, but a way to understand how effective company-wide cybersecurity training is. You could also liaise with cybersecurity experts to stage a simulated security attack and assess your team’s response efforts. Understanding how your company responds to a serious cyberattack could help you direct the training and education you need to boost your teams’ awareness and readiness.

5. Set Cybersecurity Policies at an Organizational Level

Ideally, all businesses should have a cybersecurity policy or set of policies in place. All employees should agree to these policies, and be fully trained in carrying them out. This is one of the most, if not the most, critical aspect of protecting your company from cyberattacks. Dover Solutions founder, Sanquinetta Dover states, “Your people are your best asset. Make sure they know that each of them has a vital role to play in your cybersecurity strategy. Employees whose contributions are valued better understand the impact their actions have on your company as a whole.”

This is true of all company-wide policies, but especially cybersecurity. If every member of your team is diligent and aware, then your company naturally becomes more digitally secure.

In our next article, we’ll be looking at exactly how to raise cybersecurity awareness among your employees, and what practices your whole team should be employing to minimize digital vulnerability. For more information on cybersecurity for businesses or other aspect of people management, contact Dover Training Institute.

Today’s technological advances and unique customer needs are continuing to drive businesses towards a much-needed and exciting digital transformation. But along with that transformation come vulnerabilities to a company’s cybersecurity.

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This is the first in a series of articles under the theme People Management in the Digital Era. The series aims to help employers create a workplace and train a workforce that’s equipped to capitalize on the advantages of digital transformation without falling prey to the risks that accompany it — namely, cyberattacks. Read more